Monday, June 3, 2019

Points to keep in mind while starting you migration journey towards Kubernetes

Things to bear in mind while migrating to Kubernetes : 

Recently I have been reading book "Cloud Native DevOps with Kubernetes" and found some interesting facts about the migration towards container and Kubernetes. Thought of sharing those with you.

Below are the point we should know and consider while moving towards cloud native or DevOps culture using kubernetes.

• Kubernetes clusters are made up of master nodes, which run the control plane, and worker nodes, which run your workloads. 

• Production clusters must be highly available, meaning that the failure of a master node won’t lose data or affect the operation of the cluster. 

• It’s a long way from a simple demo cluster to one that’s ready for critical production workloads. High availability, security, and node management are just some of the issues involved. 

• Managing your own clusters requires a significant investment of time, effort, and expertise. Even then, you can still get it wrong. 

• Managed services like Google Kubernetes Engine, Azure Kubernetes Services, Amazon EKS and many other cloud providers do all the heavy lifting for you, at much lower cost than self-hosting. 

• Turnkey services are a good compromise between self-hosted and fully managed Kubernetes. Turnkey providers like Stackpoint manage the master nodes for you, while you run worker nodes on your own machines. 

• If you have to host your own cluster, kops is a mature and widely used tool that can provision and manage production-grade clusters on AWS and Google Cloud. 

• You should use managed Kubernetes if you can. This is the best option for most businesses in terms of cost, overhead, and quality. 

• If managed services aren’t an option, consider using turnkey services as a good compromise. 

• Don’t self-host your cluster without sound business reasons. If you do self-host, don’t underestimate the engineering time involved for the initial setup and ongoing maintenance overhead.

#kubernetes #DevOps #Cloudnative #docker #container


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